
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Response to Davidsons Africa in History :: World History

solvent to Davidsons Africa in HistoryAfrica, steeped in history, is often known as the birthplace of civilization. Civilization was most capitally nurtured during the Pleistocene era. The history pre-, proto-, and fully pitying unfolds mostly during the Pleistocene era. Stone tools caused an increase in population throughout Africa because of knowledge of fire, knowing how to carry burdens and live in caves (9). Around 10,000 B.C., Neanderthals, depart of the hominids, disappeared and home sapiens took over (9,10). Between 5500 and 2500 B.C. there was a Makalian wet phase where there was a striking mixing of people, plenty of fish, wildlife and trees. The author seems to believe in the authenticity of early African history. He dismisses the Hamitic hypothesis as great nonsense (ll,l2). The Hamitic hypothesis stated that the Hamites (Caucasians) were responsible for any process in history identifiable in Africa. The hypothesis stated that Negroes were too uncreated to embark on any such(prenominal) processes of history (l2). P The first great civilization of Africa took place in Egypt. Egyptians started 3round the delta and were part of the Saharan Sudanese tillage (l5). They became strong because they knew when the Nile River floods were coming and could cultivate their land with rich soil (13). The Egyptians make many notable stone monuments and created a pharaonic monarchy. For many centuries they were absolute military fighters and ruled Northern Africa through the Old, Middle and new-made Kingdoms. During the Late Kingdom Egypt came under attack by the Kushites (33). Egyptians werent able to defend themselves wellhead in part because of lack of weight-lift tools. Egyptians did not see iron as significant military weapons. Iron was seen as curiosity pieces for the pharaohs (37). Consequently, Kushites in short became the dominant power in Africa. Quite often scholars argued that the Egyptians of the Pharaonic shape up were not black. This is an argument that the author argues as little tenable as saying Serbers and Ethiopians werent Negro (25,26). My opinion is that scholars would not care if the Egyptians were black if they werent such an important civilization. Africa produced many significant civilizations such as the Egyptian, Songhay, Mali and Ethiopian only when would see the fruits of labor manipulated and tortured during the Atlantic slave trade. Slavery attach one of the worst but important tragedies that beset my ancestors. The Atlantic switch over consisted mainly of slaves, firearms, gold, spices and indigo.

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